San Marino
Grades 4+
San Marino is the third smallest country in the world. Only Monaco and the Vatican are smaller.
In the 3rd century A.D., Marinus was a Christian stonecutter on an island in the Adriatic Sea, which is east of Italy. He delivered sermons that the Roman emperor did not like.
Marinus fled the Romans by crossing the sea to Italy’s Mount Titano. There, he built a chapel and a monastery.
After he died, the local people came to believe he was a saint, and they founded the city of San Marino in his honor. Instead of becoming part of Italy, San Marino has been its own country ever since. Is the oldest surviving constitutional republic in the world.

In 1861, San Marino offered President Abraham Lincoln honorary citizenship to show its support for him during the American Civil War. He became the only US president to be given citizenship in another country.
In accepting the honor, Lincoln wrote: “Although your dominion is small, nevertheless your State is one of the most honored throughout history.”
San Marino Activity 1
Work as a small group if possible.
A. Name the countries for the following pictures. Do as many as your group can without looking up anything. Do not guess.
1. Northern Europe
a. Greenland
b. Fin________
c. Ice________
d. Nor_______
e. Den_______
f. Swe_______
2. United Kingdom
a. Nor______ _________
b. E_________________
c. Wa________________
d. Scot_______________
3. Interesting Northern Places
a. Sea ____
b. Sval ________
c. Far____ Islands
d. North ________
4. Islands West of United Kingdom
a. Ire _____________
b. Isle of __________
5. Channel Islands
a. Isle of Gu___________
b. Isle of Jer ___________
c. Isle of Wi___________
6. Western Europe set A
a. Be__________
b. Ne__________
c. Lux_________
7. Western Europe set B
a. Fr ____________
b. Li_____________
c. Aus______
d. Ger____________
e. Sw____________
8. Southwestern Europe
a. Gi____________
b. An____________
c. Port___________
d. Sp____________
9. Atlantic Islands
a. Az_____________
b. Can____________
10. Southern Europe (so far) set A
a. Cor_______________
b. Sar________________
c. Sic________________
d. It_________________
11. Southern Europe set B
a. Mon_____________
b. San _____________
c. Vatican
B. Work with the other groups to fill in any countries you could not name. Stand and talk. Do not just trade papers.
C. Sit back down. Give a TROUT SHOUT! for each group of countries as your teacher shows you the pictures.
D. Name the countries for the following pictures. Do as many as your group can without looking up anything. Do not look at your previous answers. Do not guess.
1. Northern Europe
d. Greenland
e. Fin________
f. Ice________
g. Nor________
h. Den________
i. Swe________
2. United Kingdom
a. Nor______ _________
b. E_________________
c. Wa________________
d. Scot_______________
3. Interesting Northern Places
a. Sea ____
b. Sval ________
c. Far____ Islands
d. North ________
4. Islands West of United Kingdom
a. Ire _____________
b. Isle of __________
5. Channel Islands
a. Isle of Gu___________
b. Isle of Jer ___________
c. Isle of Wi___________
6. Western Europe set A
a. Be__________
b. Ne__________
c. Lux_________
7. Western Europe set B
a. Fr ____________
b. Li_____________
c. Aus______
d. Ger____________
e. Sw____________
8. Southwestern Europe
a. Gi____________
b. An____________
c. Port___________
d. Sp____________
9. Atlantic Islands
a. Az_____________
b. Can____________
10. Southern Europe (so far) set A
a. Cor_______________
b. Sar________________
c. Sic________________
d. It_________________
11. Southern Europe set B
a. Mon_____________
b. San _____________
c. Vatican
E. Repeat steps B and C.